Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hello From a One Year Hiatus

    Hi, typewriter fans! Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole year since I last posted. Needless to say I've been quite busy with family and work as we all do. It's nice to take a break and shake my tasty dash here and there to this wonderful world of the typosphere. I began this typecast during today's Type Pals Typewriter Club Live then completed my thoughts in a rambling fashion after we signed off. This is nothing more than typing for the pure joy of typing while trying to work out a few kinks with the machine, and then posting it to share with Munk and other folks like us who dig this sort of fun. Everyone's typed stuff I've read over the years is all amazing, and I've had a blast chatting and geeking out over favorite machines, techniques, and all the important acoutrements. Type Pals, y'all rock!

Thursday, October 6, 2022

She's Got a Ticket to Ride

Here are some older typing prompts that I banged out during Typewriter Club Live in April and May.  I've been known to scan and post typecasts long after composing them. :-)

I also posted one earlier this evening.  Two in one day!  Ted would be proud. :-D

I Like Big Type and I Can Not Lie

 This is my 4th typewriter.  I was so green back in the summer of 2020 that I had no idea it sported a 6-CPI when I bought it from only seeing its very blurry photos on Facebook Marketplace.  I simply saw a Smith-Corona 5-series for $30 locally.  I discovered the wonderful surprise soon after I brought it home and shared its images online with the Typosphere.  A Silent-Super never disappoints, and this uncommon Sight-Saver #47 type style rocks my typewriter world.  I've not browsed all the TWDB galleries, but the only other one I've seen is Ted Munk's that he eventually relinquished to Bill Wahl of Mesa Typewriter Exchange.  He must've gotten something really awesome in trade, because you'd have to pry this awesomeness from my cold dead hands or perhaps $4,000.  :-D

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