Sunday, May 22, 2022

Typewriter Club Live + Classic Pica Electra 120

I love all the folks who hang and chat on Typewriter Club Live!  Our wonderful host Gregory Short creates fun typing prompts to get us banging on our machines to read out loud what we've typed.  Of course, we always show off any new or remarkable typewriters, like my latest acquisition with a unusual typeface.

Friday, April 22, 2022

First Typewriter Experience

     What a heartwarming experience it is to turn on folks to typewriters for the first time!  In a room full of teenagers, only these two were fascinated by my machines.  Beecher is a senior newspaper staff member and Kishaun is in the jazz band.  Both are very creative types.  ;-)

     Beecher asked where he could buy a typewriter, and as I was explaining to him, he cut me short and told me his mother works with their graphic design team.  He also buys jewelry and shoes from their website.  He's going to look around this weekend and find an electric machine, because like me, he prefers them.

     They gave me permission to post their first typewriter adventure...

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