Sunday, April 10, 2022

Green Ribbon for the IBM Selectric II!

     I was happy enough to find a working green IBM Correcting Selectric II that was fairly easy to clean and tune-up.  Now that I've discovered the colored ribbons that were available, I'm over the moon!  Even though I'm crazy about old manual typewriters, especially black shiny ones with glass keys, I can't keep my hands off electric machines, especially the Smith-Corona 6-series and this beloved Selectric.

What is the strangest thing you've ever found in a typewriter?

Here's the answer to the Typewriter Club Live typing prompt.  I banged it out on my 1954 Royal Quiet Deluxe that got a fully rubber-ducky treatment, AKA dunking in a sink full of hot soapy water and typing the hell out of it.  I joined late in the meeting, like the last 30 minutes, and as always, it's a wonderful chat with like-minded typewriter fans. Though it's virtual, the friendships are real. I missed you, Ted, Bob, Brenda, and many more, especially Sarah who's been away for a long time now. Life does get in the way of typewriter fun. Sometimes I wish I could be living in the mid-century when typewriters were everywhere. Then again, I might not appreciate them as much as I do now, and I'd probably constantly be upset about the huge gaps in gender inequality. I'm glad typewriters have helped to make life better for women!

Sunday, March 27, 2022

SCM Electra 120 in Script and Stacks of Typewritings

Which is growing faster, the stacks of my typewritten stuff or my collection of old typewriters? I'm better at documenting my machines on the Typewriter Database than I am at blogging in Typosphere. I enjoy typing on them, whether I'm making repair notes, telling stories, or singing about how awesome these machines are. What matters most is that they make me want to write. Eventually I'll get there!

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