Thursday, October 28, 2021

My Favorite Brother Typewriter: The Wards Signature 511D with Auto Repeat

I bought my first typewriter again, only 356 serial numbers later. Perhaps they were made on the same day, around the same time my parents were making me in 1971.

The Wards Signature 511D has all the fancy features of a manual typewriter. The rubber stills feels fresh. Its Pica typeface is straight and even. The paper injector always rolls in the sheets perfectly aligned. The Brother JP-3 is one of my favorite manual typewriters.
Unfortunately this one was not packed well and its case suffered the brunt of the damage. Luckily the typewriter survived with only bent metal levers on top and a cracked spacebar attachment. The metal arms of the spacebar were severely bent inward, but I was able to reform them well enough to work properly.
I saved another typewriter! Hopefully it will live to type more tales for 50 more years.

Thursday, October 21, 2021

SCM Smith-Corona Classic 12 with Sight-Saver #30

Yeah, baby! I found another 6-CPI machine. Now I have 3 out of the 4 Smith-Corona large typefaces. This makes typewriter #47 for me, and I've only been collecting for 14 months. I am truly obsessed.

More details on Typewriter Database.

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