Saturday, October 28, 2023

A Medley from my Machines

Sometimes I type stuff and then leave the paper in the platen to write more later. It makes sense for recurrent events and journaling. It's a little awkward when replying to Type Pals. I've spent way over a month writing letters, which is sort of neat to me, so I'll finish what was started and mail them off anyway. I'll even add a whole new letter, like a cover-page with apologies for taking so long to respond. This post is like one of those letters: Something old, something new, something random, something cool, in a typecast just for you.

Cute, huh? All lines are 8 syllables, so they could be songs too. I'd have to investige which typewriter was the first one. The other two are definitely from that first Electra 220 because I recognize Regency #80 by the unmistakable "g" like it's handwritten

Next are ramblings during two Typewriter Club Live chats. If you're the type of person who'll read anything just because it was written on a typewriter, then here's just the thing for you. ;-D

Yikes! That was way too many first person "I..." sentences. Learning to write better will require more thoughtful typewriting time. Fun!


Friday, October 27, 2023

February Archives

I'm always typing something during our Typewriter Club Live chats. What else are we supposed to do with our hands? I promise to do better with following through and actually posting my musings. Here's the stuff from the February chats.

Sunday, October 22, 2023

Hello From a One Year Hiatus

    Hi, typewriter fans! Wow, I can't believe it's been a whole year since I last posted. Needless to say I've been quite busy with family and work as we all do. It's nice to take a break and shake my tasty dash here and there to this wonderful world of the typosphere. I began this typecast during today's Type Pals Typewriter Club Live then completed my thoughts in a rambling fashion after we signed off. This is nothing more than typing for the pure joy of typing while trying to work out a few kinks with the machine, and then posting it to share with Munk and other folks like us who dig this sort of fun. Everyone's typed stuff I've read over the years is all amazing, and I've had a blast chatting and geeking out over favorite machines, techniques, and all the important acoutrements. Type Pals, y'all rock!